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dominion effectiveness free workplace Jan 08, 2022

I have taken you through 3 of the 4 stages you must navigate in order to maximize your life. Truth is many of the things you attribute your problems to are far from your problems.

The biggest problem you have is being true to yourself and living out your truth without apologies. In your quest to live out the authentic you there are 6 major battles you will face from those you feel truly love you but if you can scale the first two stages then you are on your way to creating a lasting legacy that will redefine your generation.  


So far we have navigated domestication, awareness and recreation. The final stage is the stage called FREE+Dominion which is the stage where you no longer bothered by survival and people’s opinion. This is the stage at best described as the merger between humanity and divinity.


The religious never attain this stage because you become God’s project manager and you start to take on problems that make you appear like God but it is also where people start to call you funny names because they don’t understand the powers within you producing your results.


This was where Jesus was called Belzebub by the religious because they simply couldn’t comprehend how a mere carpenter can set up a system that delivers a higher lifestyle. Too many people never get here but this is where your Father in heaven wants you to be.


The only power that can stop you here is yourself because the capacity to accept this mandate and live it out inspite of the attacks from those that should know is victory in itself.


Friends, you deserve better than where you are and I can see that your soul is tired of your present outcomes. Why not join those early birds getting ready to re-create their future as aliens here


You are called to be a Saviour; Refuse to die a problem


Praise Fowowe