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How to maximize your life

effectiveness parenting workplace Jan 09, 2022

I stood up to speak to a hall full of top business executives who all do 1million dollars and above and successful in their own rights and for the first time I was a bit confused if I was the right person to be addressing this audience.


I knew I needed a serious ice breaker that would break them and put them in a position to listen to whatever I had to say and so I decided to audit their lives because I had learnt it is not what we earn that really counts but what we can retain to invest.

By the time I was done with my 4 way assessments which had since become my most potent session in my flagship coaching program less than 20% of the people in the hall were truly happy with their lives as a matter of fact only 5% felt they were closer to the life of their dreams.


I went on to share from my most effective coaching solutions called releasing your personal power – master key to reconstructing your life and for the next 8hours they completely forgot their status and listened till I was done.


Today I want you to take a deep breath and ask yourself ‘If you change nothing about your daily routine at the moment where are you likely to end in the next 10years? Or let me put it in another way if everything you do daily is classified as your daily gyming sessions what exactly does it look like you are preparing yourself for?


Too many people on this planet will never live out their lives simply because they have been conditioned to love what they detest and pretend they are happy when their reality consistently shows something is amiss.

In this series I will be sharing some ground - breaking thoughts with you and I will be working with a selected group for 13 weeks in my coaching program to reconstruct their lives.

If you have done everything, they have asked you to do and you still haven’t gotten what you truly desire then this series is for you and I can bet that you will find you and script the ultimate you.

Be a Saviour today by saving yourself first.


Praise Fowowe
