

Recent research has unveiled a profound connection between a child's functionality and their link to heritage and identity.

The future battlegrounds will revolve around ancestral legacies, where intentional ancestry will shape success. In just 12 months, we'll guide you from parenting to creating a transgenerational legacy, capable of raising victorious children and transitioning your lineage into a thriving heritage.

What Is the New African Ancestors VIP Program ABOUT?
Our program introduces a groundbreaking parenting skill: Scripting. This skill empowers you to create an effective system that guarantees a predetermined future by tapping into the latent superpowers within your ancestry. In one year, you'll rediscover yourself, understand your children, establish a prosperous family system, cast a vision for future generations, and construct systems that make family success second nature.


What made the difference...

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what shapes such different paths in children's lives?

Itā€™s not your village people

Itā€™s not the devil

Itā€™s not a lack of parental dedication

It isn't even the inherent abilities of the child

The difference lies in what each parent knows, how they apply that knowledge and luck (more on that later)

When Folashade gave birth to her firstborn, She was luckyĀ enough, like you are right now to come across someone who invited her to a parenting community. That was where She met experienced parents and parenting professionals who showed her how to nurture her children to greatness.

That parenting community no longer exists but a better one is here and Iā€™m inviting you to it.

A Community Unlike Any Other

You see, this VIP Parenting Community is a sanctuary for parents who aspire to empower their children to reach their highest potential. It's not just a support system; it's a guiding light on the path of parenting. For one year, your hand will held by parenting experts and forever by fellow parents.

This community's virtual space offers a diverse range of family insights and resources, from nurturing your childrenā€™s talents to instilling values in them and fostering emotional intelligence. It's about more than just parenting techniques; it's a holistic approach to nurturing exceptional individuals.Ā 

VIP Parenting Community equips you with the knowledge you needā€”precisely when you need it.


What Youā€™ll Gain From This Communityā€¦

Alpha code Parenting Session (worth N150k).

Community parenting where you build effective family systems round the year (worth N800k).

Monthly age-appropriate sexuality education peer parenting classes (worth N100k)

Parenting support round the year with highly skilled coaches (worth N350k)

Access to 4 family systems intelligent courses that helps you parent successfully (worth N400k)

Access to family finance & educational finance tips (worth N200k)

Total = 2million Naira

Additional Benefits:

  • Access to an extensive family systems library worth over $5000 USD.
  • Guidance from the global family systems engineering lead and celebrated family strategist, Praise Fowowe, and his team over 12 months.
  • Age-appropriate sexuality education from 18 months to 18 years.
  • Exclusive discounts on field trips, workshops, and seminars with Praise Fowowe.
  • Valuable tips on creating the ideal environment for your child.
  • A comprehensive workbook to guide you throughout the journey.
    We've positively impacted over 300,000 parents from diverse cultures globally, including high-net-worth individuals and royalty, by pioneering groundbreaking innovations in family life and parenting.

An Investment In Your Parenting Journey

For N500,000, Iā€™m inviting you to the VIP Parenting Community for the next one year.

Alternatively, you can wait till next week and pay N1 million.Ā 

You can join now and save N500,000 or you can procrastinate and pay N1 million.



ā€˜I canā€™t afford to pay N500,000 right now. What can you do for me?ā€™

Of course, thereā€™s something I can do for you.

If you click on the button below, youā€™ll be able to get into this community with just N100,000


Again, you will learn:

  • How to raise your children in a way that they will never consider homosexuality to be an acceptable thing for them (youā€™ll also learn how to spot homosexual tendencies in them and stop them on time)

  • The fail-proof formula for preventing your children from having pre-marital sex, even when everyone around them is doing it

  • The 4 stages of parenting and who you need to be during those stages (You need to be a certain person to a 13 year old but you canā€™t be the same person when theyā€™re 18 or they'll rebel)

    All of this for just N500,000 (thatā€™s if you join now, of course).

    If you believe this is too expensive to secure your childrenā€™s future, feel free to close this page and go back to what you were doing.

    But if youā€™re willing to do anything to secure your childrenā€™s future, click on the link below


Remember, it's not just about being a parent ā€” it's about being an informed and empowered one.


Praise Fowowe stands at the intersection of innovation and family life, continuously redefining the paradigms of family dynamics. Recognized for his distinct and unconventional thought leadership, he has cemented his position as a trailblazer, introducing transformative solutions in family life.

At the helm of Praise Fowowe Research LLC, based in Irving, Texas, he's sculpting a pioneering family life innovation hub. This commitment to research and development has earned him international
acclaim as a Family Life Strategist with two decades of transformative impact. His expertise has revived some of the most challenging family dynamics across diverse cultures on five continents.
Beyond individual and familial consultations, Praise extends his influence to governments, leading church brands, and faith-based organizations worldwide.

His primary mission? To harness the Family Systems Engineering approach in crafting a society that's not just functional but sustainable.
He is the founder of the Institute of family engineering and development Africa and hosts the annual African family life delegate conference.

As a testament to his dedication and prowess in the field, Praise is an esteemed member of the Family Life Coaching Association USA and the International Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors (IAMFC).

Mrs Ogechi Nwafor

"TheĀ  parenting program has been a life-changing program for me and my family. I wish I knew Praise earlier, would have avoided some damage done. I had the future world best football player in my hands but I never realized it and much more. The transformation in the lives of my children and I have been so amazing. In just weeks, I have been able to get them to do what years of yelling could not correct. I have apologized to them. They are enjoying the new me. We have bonded more. If 50 percent of families can parent this way, our country will be a better place because we would raise world changers.

God bless you, sir. Can't thank you enough for this opportunity and will highly recommend your program to any family I know"


As a very busy person, Iā€™m proud of myself for attending this training. Iā€™ve changed in the way I speak to my children. I treat them with more respect and it has helped them behave better

Yinka Adewunmi

ā€œI have been a parent for many years but never have I encountered what I got in this parenting community. I have damaged my kids unconsciously and had to apologize to them. Working with them and learning from them without judgment has been so pleasurable that they have been wondering what happened to my yelling and spanking. We can truly raise global icons with the right tools. This has been totally transforming for me.ā€

Enny A

ā€œIā€™m happy to be a part of this community because itā€™s been a total overhauling. Iā€™ve watched a lot of parenting materials and attended a couple of training on parenting, but this is different because it has reduced stress in my life. Before this class, some things gave me concerns about my childā€™s success and why he was doing certain things. I thought Praise Fowowe was a wizard when he began to describe my child and showed me how to respond to what he does. The courses in this community have helped me with my parenting. I see things clearer now. Now I know that knowledge is power.ā€

Payment Plan (New African Ancestors VIP Parenting Community)




