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Embrace awareness with your full chest?

effectiveness parenting workplace Jan 09, 2022

Have you tried to question what you are sure deep down doesn’t make sense and you were rebuked or bullied? Are you feeling everything you have been taught may not be truly correct having not delivered the results you truly want and you are really poised for a change?


Then you are at the intersection between domestication and the 2nd level called awareness which some people call ‘The world you can choose’

At level one you are grounded by ‘Whatever will be will be and if God wants it to happen; it will happen’ but at level two the narrative changes to ‘It is God’s will for me to have a better life because the more formidable I am the more I can serve at a higher level’


The challenge with level two is that many of your custodians at level one are at level two and they will resist anything that can bring you to level two because of the fear that you may no longer follow or discover the truth about the rules and regulations put in place to hold you bound.


The other challenge here is the pseudo support groups you had at level one that made you feel secured may desert you and make it feels that you are alone. But that is a good space to be because the broad way people must leave once you find the narrow path that leads to your life.


Level two is about goal scoring and moving in the direction of the life you want and the ‘YOUniverse’ you can choose. There is a lot to do here which I shall be leading my Aliens into at the 13 week coaching experience


You however must know that most of the fears holding you back from reaching for level two only exist in your head; they are not real. It is about taking responsibility for your life by taking actions in line with what you truly want.


It is time to stand out; refuse to fit in.


Praise Fowowe