
Is it Okay to Yell? family human resource parenting Jul 23, 2024

Is it Okay to Yell?

Yelling is never a solution to any problem.

Yelling is the result of anger and raising voices never resolves the problem rather it triggers it more.

The raising voice might seem to work for a while and make your kids quiet and make them obedient for a moment, but it won't make...

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Responding to Backtalk from your children child family family engineering Jul 23, 2024

No parent likes it when their child talks back at them but how many parents know that backtalking, though frustrating is simply a child's attempt to express their needs, feelings, or beliefs?

Not a lot of parents.

This is why the response to backtalking is always flogging.

When you flog for...

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Science Plus Religion religion science Feb 25, 2022
I have been around for a while and been there and seen some. I decided to be seen and perceived from the stand point of humanity alone and nothing more because all we actually need to be is humanity expressed in male and female gender.
If you have a big problem with my opening...
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What The Anglican Church Taught Me personal reflections spirituality Feb 24, 2022
I was born into the vicarage because my father was a priest so I didn't get into Christianity by the born again mantra that later became popular when the evangelicals came into the Anglican communion.
My father being a priest who was dogged and outspoken was well respected and I am sure...
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ACTS of the SAVIOURS spirituality Jan 09, 2022

There is a book in the Bible called Acts of the Apostles. Not many know that it simply means the ‘Actions of the Apostles’ not the noise or the complaints of the apostles. What are your acts?


Somehow there is so much entitlement mentality by many who feel they are just special...

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God expects you to become a Saviour spirituality Jan 09, 2022

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in Canada but it was a significant day for me because it was the day, we launched the house of Saviours which is the flagship project of our new research company in the US.


You see, if care is not taken many of us may end as accusers and complainers of those...

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Your job is not secular….. spirituality Jan 09, 2022

Thanks so much for your amazing response to my session yesterday.

I am glad someone raised the issue about the difference between secular and spiritual which is one of the biggest injustice done to the work place and work ethics in many third world countries. That notion that what you do in your...

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Can you work Pass the test of worship? spirituality Jan 09, 2022

Can you work Pass the test of worship?


Yesterday was Sunday and many would have served their best to impress God as Christians same way the Muslims would have served their best on Friday.


But all through the week some aliens from Mars invade earth to sell substandard products across...

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Can you observe what works? spirituality Jan 09, 2022

The first level of learning in life is observation which means you will become exactly like the model in front of you if you add nothing.


The challenge I have however seen in my 19years of assisting people create their desired life is their propensity to benchmark a model whose front end...

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Serve your solution with Pride spirituality Jan 09, 2022

In the year 1450, Benin City in Edo state Nigeria built a wall that was a global masterpiece.

The Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition) described the walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as “the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era”.


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The only tribe that exists is HUMANITY personal improvement Jan 09, 2022

I am so excited at yesterday’s session as it took many of you to step into other people’s model of the world. For the first time many of you are starting to see how you have badly treated others who think differently from you.


I have always taught that the problem of our world...

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Process your Trauma personal improvement Jan 09, 2022

My best friend in one of the schools I had attended while my dad was being transferred up and down reached out to me yesterday and said something to me that broke me totally and strengthened my resolve to  assist more people change their stories and become more intentional in creating the...

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